QLD Election and Nudity – NSFW

What the HELL is it with Queensland politicians and taking off their clothes for the cameras???

Not that I mind overly much. I’m not sitting here with my lips pursed, looking like I just ate 15 lemons in a row. It’s just… odd. Is it the weather? It IS much warmer here than in most states. Can you imagine pulling the old ‘let’s rip off the kilt!’ maneouvre in Canberra?

Want a summary?

Warwick Capper – Proposed Candidate for Beaudesert

OMG this boy is a bogan! 😀


Pauline Hanson – Candidate for Beaudesert

Apparently, this isn’t Pauline. Frankly, I don’t think so either. And I think one of the funniest things about the whole uproar is the idea that this is ‘bad’ for a political candidate.


Lawrence Springborg


Dave Zwolenski – Candidate for Mt Coot-tha


Anna Bligh

Sadly, this is about as ‘nude’ as Anna seems to get when there are cameras about:


And other random ‘clothes off for the cause’ moments:

Traveston Dam Protest


4 Responses

  1. I will refrain from making jokes about beavers and dams. 😉

  2. Anja – ROTFL!

  3. Crikey Dick, I nominate all Banana Benders are in charge of PR for election campaigns henceforth, those photos (and candidates) are bloody funny!

  4. Jayne, I reckon you’ve got a great idea there. I mean, you can forgive inept campaigning when candidates are willing to strip off for the amusement of their electorate – that’s commitment! 😀

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