And Now For Something Completely Different…

More whingeing 😀

I’ve managed to pull a muscle in my neck and it hurts, dammit. Nurofen will hopefully get off its butt and kick in soon.

While we wait, check out Suicide Blue, my latest piece of fiction. It has absolutely nothing to do with any of my other stories – just a random idea that popped into my head the other day and insisted on being written down. Hmph.

Edge of Reason

Ever noticed that the more tired and/or hungry you are, the less capacity you have for truly rational thought? Scary, isn’t it? Our bodies are pretty damn amazing, but put enough stress on them and they have to economise. And I guess the body assumes physical danger, and really… rational thought probably isn’t that useful when being pursued by something big and nasty. So we revert to a more basic level – we attack anything that causes us any sort of pain or irritation.

Oh yeah, in case you didn’t guess, I’m feeling a little sleep-deprived. Mildly ill (chucky) baby. Blah.

Old and Grumpy?

It’s a chick’s worst nightmare.

No, not looking in the mirror and realising that black hairs have started sprouting on your chin – although that sucks too.

It’s waking up and realising that you’ve turned into a Grumpy Old Woman.


My moment of realisation?

I got to work, started to make myself a cup of coffee, and found that the cleaner in charge of doing the dishes had put the BIG spoons in the TEASPOONS section of the cutlery drawer. I growled and told myself it wasn’t exactly difficult, dammit!!! Then I froze.

I’m a grumpy old woman.

With hairs on my chinny chin chin.

Brisbane and Sydney: A Quick Comparison

Evil Rainbow Sugar Addict Thieves

I’ve never seen rainbow lorikeets act like this in Brisbane. They flew down, perched on my table, warned me not to interfere, then nicked my sugar. And ate it. Right in front of me. Then tried to nick another, threatening me with a quiet disembowelling from the Possum Mafia. Anyone you know, Jayne?

Potato Scallops

Everywhere in Sydney. Proper potato scallops (potato cakes to Victorians)! Not the weird floury potato-ish things common in Brissie. Actually hot, not warm, cardboardy and flaccid. Heaven.


It’s rare to find good chips in Brissie. Why? Too many health-conscious types? Too much moisture in the air? Too hot for chips?


… turns into scales. Damn dry air.


Coming back from holidays can be a drag.

Coming back from holidays can really suck, though, when you come back to one week’s solid work before a day off.

Bluck. What the hell POSSESSED me to do that??

Ah well.

On the bright side… I finally got around to writing another story. One month after the last one. Ick. So if you’re interested in reading something other than whingeing, wander over to Nomesque Fiction and read Gangsta Wrap. If nothing else, it might make your day seem a little better by comparison. 🙂

On Holidays

I’ve been in Sydney for the last few days.


There’s a shop near where we’re staying that causes me to wish I didn’t have to go home. Organic stuff of all sorts… but more importantly, new vegetarian products and vegan ice-cream. DROOOOOOL. Yes, Brisbane has Sanitarium stuff… but this stuff looked yummy.

I made a special, baby-free pilgrimage to Circular Quay. Ahhh… memories, and wonderful scenery. Something about Sydney Harbour just gets me every time. Then I wandered over to The Rocks and got attacked by rainbow lorikeets. More on all of that later 😉

I’m off to bathe a baby.

Lolcats at the Ekka

Part 2 of my attempt to make lolcats relevant to world events… or at least local ones 😉

(for non-Queenslanders – the Ekka is Brissie’s big agricultural and fun show, it’s on at the moment)

Never let your cat explain the Ekka to your show cattle:

Lolcat Olympics

Addicted to Facebook? Pffft

Once upon a time, I asked myself, “How the hell do people get addicted to FACEBOOK? Maybe they’re just contact junkies…”

Oh dear.

Then I discovered Facebook Applications. These applications are programs that provide all sorts of things – from daft but kinda cute ‘hug your friends’ stuff to big interactive games.

That’s where I fell from sniffy pride.

You know how I occasionally rabbit on about card games and other kinda-RPG-but-not-quite stuff? Well, imagine something similar on Facebook, and you can probably see where I got hooked. Or, as I put it the other night – “I can make people cry without leaving the couch!”

Here are my favourites:

Triumph is a modern-day war game. You start off with a small plot of land and some money – the point is to attack other players to get land and money from them. More fun than it might sound (but then, I like making people cry). Bring me into a game like that, and I tend to cause chaos. Within two weeks I’d embroiled my alliance in an almost-all-out-war and caused another alliance’s friends to turn on them and attack them. BAHAHAHA!!

My other favourite is quite a bit different. Evarium is a cute little ‘evolution tank’ that sits on my profile and displays cute lil multi-coloured amoeba thingies (critters, to use the correct terminology). They wander around, have sex, make babies, and die. I don’t know why I like this app so much (the critters don’t cry)… except maybe that the colours are pretty and it’s interesting to watch. Hmmm.

Love is a Great Cup of Coffee

… and it’s even better when it’s Fair Trade.

So I thought I’d do one of my occasional unpaid, unrewarded product plugs.

Last night, I wandered a supermarket looking for decent coffee. Which, to me, means strong, non-bitter, quick, easy and Fair Trade. Preferably organic, too. I guess I’m a pinko commie hippie at heart.

ANYWAY, I was very impressed to find that Robert Timms have brought out a Fair Trade version of their coffee bags. First, I love Robert Timms coffee. Always nice. Their coffee bags were originally a little disappointing, but have improved dramatically in the last couple of years. And now Fair Trade versions? For about 70c more? W00000t!!

I had one this morning. Ahhhhh… YUM. Good stuff.