Six-Word Memoir Meme

Anja tagged me for a meme. The wench probably thinks she’s an agent of divine retribution. She’s probably right 😉

  • Write a six-word memoir.
  • Post it to your blog including a visual illustration if you would like.
  • Link to the person who tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogsphere.
  • Tag 5 more blogs with links (or however many people you feel like annoying)
  • Don’t forget to leave a comment in the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

I’ve struggled with this one. Big time.

How about this:

Love is a state of mind

Or this:

Pain is a state of ARGHHHH


I love youse all! Even you

Actually, that works.

Here’s my carefully thought-out six-word memoir in its proper glory:

As to who to tag… well I’m gonna be brave and tag some people I haven’t known long. Guess it fits the memoir 😛

Writer Chick

Planning Queen


Very Personal Opinions Meme

I thought this up on the way to the train station the other morning. Why? Good question. I think it might’ve had something to do with Evyl, and not having had brekky. Meh.

My opinion on –

Body piercings:

Too much effort. Yup, I’m a lazy sod.

Genital piercings:

That’s gotta feel better than it looks, right? Cos it looks bloody painful. But I still cringe.



Best place for a tattoo:

Arm. Because people think you’re a bit sluttish if you pull down your pants to show off your cool tattoo.

Body modification:

Oh. My. God. Discovered it months ago and still not sure whether to be intrigued or weirded out. I love the Lizard Man –

Flavoured condoms:

Yuck. Gross. Just… why the hell? Coloured, ribbed, studded, glow in the dark… all these things I can understand. But flavoured… nasty. Just plain nasty.

Skinny jeans:

Ahhh, takes me back to the early 90s. I love me a (slim) man in skinny jeans. But here’s a tip, men – if you’ve got an enormous gut, don’t wear skinny jeans. Makes you look like a non-edible Paddle Pop (icecream on a stick, non-Aussies).

G-strings/thongs (not the footwear):

Ahhhh… love em. Especially the non-elasticated organic ones I discovered recently. They allow me a bit of flab without making it flub unattractively. Because nobody likes flubby flab. Tip for women: I thought this was obvious, but apparently not – don’t wear these things if they cut into your flab and give you flubber-rolls. Flubber rolls are NOT attractive. Neither, for that matter, are muffin tops. Let your flab sit where your body stuck it. Attempts to fit into clothing smaller than you will NOT improve your look.

High heels:

Nice for a formal occasion. Pain in the arse (literally, if they provoke sciatica) at other times. And the things they do to people’s feet longterm… eurgh.

Sex with socks on:

Meh. As long as the socks are on the feet, no worries.

Bert Newton:

Oh dear god. Why the hell did he come to mind straight after ‘socks with sex on’?? I mean… oh stuff it. Once Bert Newton turns up, I’m outta here. Cos he is too scary.


I tag:


Evyl (even though a third meme this soon might just drive him over the edge – feel free to ignore it, dude)

Dok Holocaust

Have fun 🙂

Look What They’ve Done To My Meme, Ma!

Look what they’ve done to my meme, Ma
Look what they’ve done to my meme
Well it’s the only thing I could write half right
And they’ve made it sound all wrong, Ma
Look what they’ve done to my meme

OK, so you’ve finally discovered that I’m not actually all sweetness and light after all. Or if you haven’t, you’re about to. I took a nice little meme about girly beauty secrets and tips, and I used it for my own amusement. Evyl was obliging enough to play along. Wanna see the results? (bet you do)

Evyl’s Manly Stuff Meme

Doktor Holocaust joins the fun

If you’re the original writer of this meme… errrr… chances are you’re staring in horror at the testosterone-laden frankenstein’s monster that it’s become. Ummm… whoops? *snicker*

7 Weird Things

Bettina tagged me for this meme.

Geez, how am I going to come up with SEVEN whole things about me that’re weird? This normal lil chicky? *snigger*

  1. I once dyed a white cat. Not my finest hour. I was young and drunk. Not that that’s an excuse, but it’s an explanation, now isn’t it? The cat didn’t seem to mind. It was the 6-washes type of hair dye, and was artistically swirled in red and black. Here’s a hint for anyone thinking it sounds like a great idea: Cat hair is different to human hair. For the rest of the time that I had him, complete strangers consistently approached me to ask about his ancestry, because it never washed out. Whoops.
  2. My hair. Right now it’s brown (*yawn*), but it’s usually far more entertaining. Want proof? This is me just before going into hospital for heart surgery (I wanted to make sure the nurses would remember me):
  3. Blue hair

  4. I do have my very own compulsive component. Luckily for me, I tend to be quite aware of it and able to combat it before I drive hubby TOO mad. One aspect of life that I used to be excessively compulsive about is dressing. Everything had to go on in the right order. Undies, bra, top, jeans/shorts, jumper, socks, shoes. I’ve relaxed a little these days 😉 But that’s nothing compared to a guy I once had as a flatmate. He stressed whenever I washed the dishes because I put them in the drainer wrong. He had his extensive CD collection arranged, not in alphabetical order, but by serial number on the CD. Have you ever even noticed that CDs have serial numbers? He was a lovely guy, though.
  5. I talk to complete strangers. Often on public transport. It’s a pleasant way to while away a dull journey, and sometimes brighten a person’s day a little. Or have them brighten mine. Usually this doesn’t result in serious friendships, although I do have one friend who I met on a bus and – get this – grabbed her phone number because she wanted to play Killer Bunnies with us. That’s a card game, nothing RUDE. She still comes over to visit… although not as regularly, what with us having moved about 30km away.
  6. I write fiction near-compulsively when I’m doing a lot of hard mental work. So during my HSC (end of high school exams, for the non-NSW and non-Aussie people) I wrote a lot… and right now I’m writing heaps. I write manuals for a living, and it’s hard work mentally because the software is complicated, and it relies on other software, and a couple of different operating systems… all of which I’ve got to understand.
  7. I have never finished a tertiary qualification, despite starting many. But I’ve learnt a lot – most of my study has been in communication, counselling, welfare. And a bit of biblical study too!
  8. I hate spiders. I try not to, but I do. On the other hand, I love snakes. Go figure.

I’m supposed to tag someone, but most people I know have done it, and I’m feeling lazy. So – I tag YOU. If you’ve already done it, you’re exempt just this once.

Smiley Saturday

Smiley Saturday

Smiley Saturday is Lightening‘s brilliant idea… living up to her name indeed!

Here’s my smiley for today – watching Bubba Boy paint with real paint – instead of the gluey goop I made him a couple of weeks ago.


Once he understood that it really wasn’t for eating, things progressed pretty well!

He’s now confirming my suspicions of genius with a very impressive effort on the electric keyboard… 🙂  Rhythm, melody, the works!

I Love a Good Competition…

… and this is one of the easiest to enter that I’ve ever come across.

It’s Lightening’s Australia Day Giveaway.  <– And that’s how easy it is to enter.

I really, really want the bandanna. I love bandannas. And all I have are Cancer Council ones.

Favourite Five Meme

Riayn and Jayne tagged me for this meme.

This meme’s rules are:

  1. Post 5 links to 5 of your previously written posts. The posts have to relate to the 5 key words : family, friend, yourself, your love, anything you like.
  2. Tag 5 other friends to do this meme. Try to tag at least 2 new acquaintances so that you get to know them each a little bit better.

Family: I guess this post – Study on Stay-at-Home Dads – gives a little insight into our family life.

Friends: Sadly, I haven’t posted about friends yet. Whoops. Unless you count my comment about my friend’s toes.

Myself: OK, here I have plenty to pick from, being as self-absorbed as I’ve just realised I am. But a favourite?? I guess this one is probably it – Dreams of an Alternate Me. It’s not at all well-written, but the concept still bemuses me.

My Love: I haven’t really posted about my husband yet. And yes, he is my love 🙂 Sorry, sweetie!

Anything I Like: I’ve gotta put in a plug for my fiction here – I think Juliette and the Beast is my favourite piece of writing so far.


I tag:


Magneto Bold Too



Annnnd… that’s it. Yes, I know that’s only four people. But I’ve run out of people who haven’t already done it.